Thursday, September 20, 2018

My Digital to Analog Gaming Conversion

In the 21st century, going from video games to board games feels backwards.  I enjoy escapism entertainment and games (or anything interactive) has always been my preferred medium, followed closely by reading.

I grew up as the personal computer and later gaming consoles first entered people's homes.  Throughout my growing up I played both video games and tabletop games, most notably Dungeons and Dragons of the latter.  On the Atari I played Temple of Apshai, Zork, and many of the adventure/platforming games available on the Atari 800.  But, up until the mid-80's, there weren't any good substitutes for table-top gaming.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Mini Review: Conan the Legend of the Devil in Iron

This is copied from my posting on BGG.

I recently finished playing through the Devil in Iron campaign for Conan. As a disclaimer, I played solo left hand vs. right hand.

How does it work?The book contains 19 scenarios but you'll only play through eight of them during the campaign. At different points in the campaign the next scenario changes depending on whether the heroes win or lose.